The McCombs School of Business does not offer an online MBA. The UT system does have a program, but UT Austin is not affiliated with it.For information, visit:参考资料
Yueyuan:Real Estate challenge我个人并没有参加;我知道UT Austin的Real Estate确实不错,也有一些Real Estate方面比较有名的教授,还有Real Estate风险基金,也是一个相当于MBA investment fund一样的一个基金,同学在这里不但可以学到technical skills,还会manage undergraduate student,类似于associate和annalist这样的structure。
I am writing as representitive of Chinese students in the UT Austin Mccombs MBA students Class of 2011. This year we got 5 full-time students from mainland China and 2 from Taiwai. Background includes consulting, marketing, project management and engineering. we will try to help you who are...
面试开始,他直接问到“为什么现在选择申请UT Austin的MBA项目?”和“你能为UT Austin带来什么价值?”我提到自己作为钢铁工业女性的独特视角,拥有多国跨文化工作经验,这有助于与同学更好地交流,丰富学校氛围。接下来,他追问了跨文化沟通中遇到的挑战及解决方法。面试继续深入,询问我对当前工作的感受...
why MBA, why UT leadership character a business solution your made teamwork character what do you learn from preparing your application, or from writing essays what experiences will you share with UT MBA students any questions for her 然后就开始闲聊,她介绍了一下学校的program,以及application 提交之...
同时,MBA学生可从UT Austin其他学院选择专业修双学位,学校提供10多个双学位选择。 2.3课程设置 学校第一年主要完成核心课程,每个学生将根据背景、兴趣和职业目标,被分入4~6人的研究小组,一同解决一系列业务挑战,这是很好的交流和networking机会。 3.学生情况 ...
UT-Austin有494,000名校友分布于全世界100多个国家,商界知名校友有Dell公司创始人Michael Dell(肄业)、埃克森美孚董事长兼CEO Rex Tillerson等。McCombs商学院有102,076名校友,遍布美国全部州和103个国家,其中23,721位是MBA毕业生,学院在12个国家/地区设有30个活跃的校友分会。McCombs商学院提供MBA...
终于,终于,收到了 G730,T108, 4Y Big Four+1.5Y Corporate, 极普通本科
The UT McCombs School of Business is a globally recognized MBA program, located in Austin, Texas, a center of technology and business for the region. When