我没有联系过教授,可能找RA的会去联系教授吧,但感觉还是有挺多做research的机会的,我也听 ML课的...
library也很给力。我曾经在PCL翻出过《新青年》,《毛选》,《人民日报》等作品。UT搞的这个东西啊,excited!曾经有professor说undergraduate research是UT的一大卖点,faculty的工资都是按科研成就开出来的,不玩玩就亏了。我个人试着找过一位,他们都还挺爱带本科生玩的(可能是因为算廉价劳动力吧)。 学长Austin 众所...
近日,UT-Austin余桂华教授和四川大学李盼盼研究员综述总结了硝酸盐还原反应的电催化剂设计策略的最新进展。该成果以“Structural engineering of catalysts for ammonia electrosynthesis from nitrate: recent advances and challenges”(《硝酸...
If you find our work useful in your research, please considerciting. Installation Create a conda environment and install required packages. conda env create -f conda_env_gpu.yaml -n Ditto You can change thepytorchandcudaversion in conda_env_gpu.yaml. ...
UTAustin余桂华团队&东北林大陈文帅团队:用于可持续水净化的生物基纳米纤维水凝胶过滤器 【应用手册】TI 全新MCU及C29内核的电动汽车应用方案 ★ 欢迎星标 果壳硬科技 ★ 研究团队 | 作者 公众号“X-MOL资讯” | 来源 水,作为生命之源,对于人类的生存和发展至关重要,是我们最不可或缺的自然资源之一。但遗憾的...
Research Indexed by Disease ContactTag: UT Austin New advances in optogenetics a key step towards treatment of neurological disorders A technique neuroscientists use to view neurons in the brain and to turn them on and off with light, called optogenetics, is a promising strategy that could eventu...
The GPS Toolkit (GPSTk) is an open-source (LGPL) project sponsored by the Space and Geophysics Laboratory (SGL), part of the Applied Research Laboratories (ARL) at The University of Texas at Austin. The primary goals of the GPSTk project are to: ...
UT-Austin database provides access to literary copyright information.The article explains the "Firms Out of Business" (FOB) database created by the University of Texas-Austin Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center and England's Reading University Library. The FOB is described as an online data...