The University of Texas at Austin is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 32%. UT Austin is the flagship institution of the University of Texas System. Considering applying to this selective school? Here are the UT Austin admissions statistics you should know, including average...
根据官方数据,UT Austin 2028届的录取率为28.2%。在总计68,931份申请中,只有19,417人成功获得录取。 与藤校相比,UT Austin的录取率确实要高,但这并不意味着它的竞争压力较小。例如,哈佛大学的申请者约有54,000人,而UT Austin的申请...
提交网申之后: 借着新年的机会,可以给此前有回信要招生的教授发邮件,询问admission进度,是否能有面试之类。一般一月份是面试高峰期,这时候去混个脸熟说不定马上面试就来了;没有回复也不要急,可能只是时候未到 对于那些主页明确写了"...
In April, 1961, Kengla convinced the organizers of Austin’s annual Flower Show to include a walk-through display of a family shelter. A month later, encouraged by Kengla, a trio of UT architecture professors conducted seminars on planning and constructing shelters in Austin, Dallas, Houston, ...