UT-Austin Interview, Finance PhD,内容如下: Briefly introduce yourself…因为教授一时找不到我的申请资料 Any special research interest Why pursue PhD What do u expect in our PhD program What will u do in our PhD program Why want to be a professor What kind of lifestyle u like How did u ...
当然以防万一,还是可以准备technical questions,而且要反应很灵活。 另外这次面了austin,和我现在ra老板也谈了一下。她说那边的氛围非常好,学生之间学生老师之间一起写文章都有,而且这个关系会保持很久。另外他们肯定是很重视找phd学生的。 S T应该就在committee里面,他在学校给我发面试之前先联系了我老板(她有写推荐...
地理环境:奥斯汀是红州蓝城,很包容的城市。流行的一句话是Keep Austin weird,因为奥斯汀实在是太蓝了...
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas-Austin),2016年USNEWS世界大学排名30,是德克萨斯州大学系统中的旗舰校区,也是德克萨斯州境内最顶尖的高等学府之一。而作为热门申请专业之金融专业UT-Austin在2016年USNEWS排名中位列13,每年申请金融硕士的同学也非常之多,那么申请UT-Austin MS Finance 需要达到什么样的条件,难...
Q:UT-Austin MBA毕业了去投行的多吗?因为看到BW上有去Goldman的 A:UT的强项在energy finace,大部分投行的energy finance部分都在Houston,UT在energy的公司和IB校友众多,如果你对这方面感兴趣,UT是不错的选择.但是如果你想去NY或HK,UT有校友,但是与北面的学校相比还是有差距的,关键还是要看你本身的背景 ...
苏黎世大学MS in Quantitative Finance金融工程金融学硕士Department of Banking and Finance 苏黎世大学PhD in Economics经济学博士Department of Business Administration 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校MEd in Bilingual-Bicultural Education教育学硕士Department of Curriculum and Instruction ...
“I would add a personal finance class because students need to learn how to manage money. This course would teach important life skills like budgeting, taxes, and saving for retirement. If I had learned about these topics in high school, I’d feel more prepared for the real world. Everyon...
南加州大学MS in Finance金融学硕士 南加州大学PhD in Classics (Greek and Latin)英语言与文学汉语言与文学博士Department of Classics 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校Master of Interior Design First Professional艺术学设计硕士 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校PhD in Advertising新闻传播学博士Stan Richards School of Advertising and Publ...
In four months, he obtained enough pledges to finance the entire project. (No subscription larger than $250 per year was accepted.) Over the next five years, the Hogg Organization made an enormous impact on the state promoting a single idea: that higher education was vital to the future ...
希望去德勤这样的big four firm或者是企业的finance department, 德州的能源公司非常多,学校有能源金融这个track,非常适合,job oriented) 是否打算在美国工作 (Try my best, in the long run go back to China) 有什么问题给学校 (没啥问题,什么时间出结果?-Rene说有结果会尽快联系我) ...