一、商学院 2024USnews本科学院排名:5 2024USnews研究生学院排名:20 学院拥有一非常强大的师资团队。教授定期会在最好的商业杂志上面发表论文。 二、工程学院 2024USnews本科学院排名:11 2024USnews研究生学院排名:7 工程学院(Cockrell School of Engineering)一直是工程教育和技术进步领域的全球领导者。 三、计算机...
UT Austin马上来打破你的“名校高薪”偏见。 华尔街投行被我吸引 War Street Oasis 的统计数据显示,华尔街投行中德州大学奥斯汀分校的校友比例为2.1%。 作为无数商科学生心中的“白月光”,华尔街投行格外看重自己的Target school,UT Austin能被列入这个含金量极高的榜单,当然也是有两把刷子的。 商学院全美第20名,不仅...
In conclusion, gaining admission to UT-Austin has become increasingly challenging, necessitating a top 6% ranking in your in-state high school class or possessing exceptional attributes that impress the admissions committee. UT-Austin is an esteemed university with numerous renowned academic programs glob...
一个月可以赚1000美金,最后扣完税拿到手里接近900美金的样子,另外据我了解像engineering school的RA薪水...
密歇根大学安娜堡分校的会计硕士(Master of Accounting)是一个老牌项目,也是会计申请中的热门项目,开设在下罗斯商学院(Ross School of Business)。详细情况欢迎咨询Tops6868。 该项目与安永会计与公共政策研讨会有合作关系,学生就读期间都将参加该研讨会,并从中获得未来制定商业决策所需的核心领导力。
三维(GPA+英语):GPA 3.90/4.0 (ranking 2/173), T 109 (R30+L26+R23+W30), G 333+AW4.5 (V163+Q170) 科研:在本系一个实验室的两个组干过,至少都有一点产出;暑研在Stanford Leonidas J. Guibas组,是remote做的,有在投...
Get the inside scoop on how colleges assess your high school and its course rigor. Featuring a former Admissions Officer, you'll gain crucial insights and actionable strategies during this 60-min webinar. Register Now Ranking Factors How Ut Tyler University Academy ...
UT Austin is the flagship institution of the University of Texas system, and is the home to some of the best engineering, architecture, and business programs in the nation. Since UT Austin is a selective school, writing strong essays is essential for making your application stand out. UT ...
"Our goals are to attract the best and brightest students and to make sure every student is successful once they are here," said UT Austin President Jay Hartzell. "Standardized scores combined with high school GPA support this goal by improving early identification of students who demonstrated the...