再说CS系,对于ML算法这个研究方向来说,和ECE比,CS在faculty数量和publication上反而有些相形见绌(当然是基于我自己的观察,若不准确求轻喷),原因除了ECE这两年在使劲发力外,还有几个CS大教授都on leave去了工业界,学生也该实习实习该推走推走,不过这并不能影响CS录取的high bar。总体来说,CS在各个方向研究都没...
在UT-Austin ECE读研还是有挺多科研机会的,可以去找喜欢的教授做Research Problem,上课刷脸熟,争取表现良好再争取当老师的RA,不仅可以享受学费减免,每个月还有工资拿。 生活我来这边之后不习惯的主要还是食物方面,没什么好吃的中式食物,像美国人经常吃的Pizza,漢堡,德州人喜欢吃的墨西哥卷,我都觉得一般。就只能自己...
You should also include specific courses, research labs, or faculty members that make UT Austin the right place for you, and explain why you are interested in the honors aspect of the program. Don’t just say “I want to work with well-renowned faculty.” Instead, go a step further and...
Every Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto St. George student is a member of one of seven colleges. You must indicate your college preferences when you apply. Selecting a college is a personal decision unrelated to program choice. For information about what to consider when ...