offer:UT-Austin MSBA(最终去向)、UT-Austin MSITM, UMN MSBA($8000 Scholarship)、Georgetown Analytics...
The program also provides each Dedman Scholar a $28,000 yearly scholarship and an additional one-time allocation of $20,000 to support research, study abroad and other academic pursuits. These scholarship funds are an integral part of the program and provide the Dedman Scholars with the financial...
今天聊聊中国大陆学生申请UT Austin本科的情况。首先UT是州立大学,而德克萨斯州的法律保护德州大多数学校...
writes Mobley in a ‘thank you’ letter to Samsung Austin Semiconductor. An out-of-state student, who wishes not to be named, says the scholarship they’re receiving “plays a vital role” in helping them attend college. As an Electrical and Computer Engineering major, t...
In 1906, Lomax took a sabbatical, went to Harvard on a scholarship, earned his master’s degree, and fulfilled a childhood ambition to collect and preserve western cowboy and folk songs. Encouraged by his Harvard professors, Lomax solicited songs through newspapers and journeyed throughout the ...
3.奥斯汀在德州的中心,周围休斯敦、达拉斯、圣安东尼奥都在开车1~3小时内,地理位置非常好,外加政策原因,吸引了很多大公司前往驻扎比如 DELL, GOOGLE, APPLE,IBM 等等。奥斯汀这些年发展迅速,潜力很大。 4.UT 是所大学校,也就是说会有很大的影响力和很多资源,McCombs 的 MBA program 比较小,260多人一年,大家都...
就业情况,今年McCombs的就业不错,在9月份的时候,基本上所有中国的学生都已经有offer了;国际学生,目前为止,offer率大概在50%左右。总体来看,德克萨斯的就业情况挺好,因为高科技的公司例如Dell、AMD、Free Scale等的总部都在Austin,所以McCombs的学生比较有优势。
1. 你可以申着试试,这两年big data太火,录取难度exponential上升 2. 建议你学一学Python.http://...
就业情况,今年McCombs的就业不错,在9月份的时候,基本上所有中国的学生都已经有offer了;国际学生,目前为止,offer率大概在50%左右。总体来看,德克萨斯的就业情况挺好,因为高科技的公司例如Dell、AMD、Free Scale等的总部都在Austin,所以McCombs的学生比较有优势。