(比如我基础不好转码纯找工向,所以把UT-Austin的项目排在了UIUC和CMU之上,真的是因为我坚信如果我去了UIUC or CMU一定没法顺利毕业呜呜呜,当然事实也证明这些学校的Admission Officer确实也觉得我不太行所以没有录我;同理也因为转码上岸概率方面的考量把Duke的项目排在了Columbia之上) 以及,很多小伙伴可能看到我的...
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin,简称:UT-Austin),成立于1883年,是得克萨斯大学系统的旗舰校区,位于美国得克萨斯州的首府奥斯汀市,是一所世界著名的顶尖公立研究型大学,为北美顶尖大学联盟美国大学协会的成员,也是全美最负盛名的“公立常春藤”最初八所院校之一。 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校共设有18个...
Austin地理位置很好,公司来学校on campus招人,因此机会很多,把握好就好。 赞一下UT,整体学校就是Austin最牛逼的存在的感觉,反正穿上longhorn logo的衣服都有种自豪感。全城公交UT卡免费,没车也能到处跑吧,就是不像国内那么便捷,毕竟没有地铁会堵车,这里交通真的堵起来的话心塞。。。 【ECE】 track分的非常多,...
b) gradvertising@austin.utexas.edu ETS Code 6882 Curriculum Required Courses: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Theories of Persuasive Cimmunication Creative Strategy Integrated Communication Management Strategoc Advertising Management Media Management Foundations of Marketing A Statistics Course Elective Courses...
Also, I still haven't found anyone to sublease my room for the summer. So hopefully one of ya'll out there need a place for cheap in Austin for the summer. If so,send me an e-mail. I really don't want to pay two rents all summer. ...
Materials for UT Austin's graduate computational physics course, taught byWilliam Gilpin. This course aims to provide a very broad survey of computational methods that are particularly relevant to modern physics research. We will aim to cover efficient algorithm design and performance analysis, traditio...
Walk me through your resume. Why pursue an MBA? Why McCombs? Why now? I ended up answering all these boiler plate interview questions just through the course of our conversation; she did not point blank ask each one. When have you been in a situation outside your comfort zone and how ...
Turing Scholars at UT Austin “Our top-ranked faculty push students to think outside the box and learn the varied business and computer science disciplines,” according to the website. “The curriculum is comprised of 44 classes, taken with 30-40 students, exposing students to all facets of ...
It also ties the course into the writer’s personal experiences, so we can clearly see why they care about the subject. By proposing a thoughtful, unique course and explaining how it would benefit both you and others, you’ll stand out in your UT Austin application with this essay! Plan ...