Mike Kelly was retained as assistant coach and would run practices until Edwards arrived by train the first week of October. Ten days later, on Saturday evening, October 1, the Council gathered again in Old Main. Coach Edwards was due in Austin on Wednesday the 5th and would take over the...
12 pairs of football shoes, 12 pairs of trousers, 6 nose guards, 1 dozen footballs and 12 pairs of stockings.” (Many accounts wrongly claim that it was Coach Edwards who tried to change UT’s colors, but the colors were chosen and the uniforms ordered before Edwards arrived in Austin.)...
得克萨斯大学系统由以下九个分校组成:UT Arlington 阿灵顿分校(成立于1895)、UT Austin 奥斯汀分校(成立于1883,为得克萨斯大学系统旗舰学校)、SFA 史蒂芬奥斯汀州立大学(成立于1923年)、UT Dallas 达拉斯分校(成立于1969)、UT El Paso 埃尔帕索分校(成立于1914)、UT RGV 奥格兰德河谷分校、UT Permian Basin 帕米亚...