美当地时间3月11日,全美排名第32位的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT Austin)宣布,从2025Fall开始,学校将恢复对申请者的标化成绩要求! 该校从2020年春季开始,采取标化考试可选政策,经过四年的尝试和测试后,校长Jay Hartzell表示,“我们在标化考试可选的经验...
Above: While business students prepare for the annual BBA Week, a fallout shelter sign (at far left) hangs at the entrance to the business school. Above: A fallout shelter sign becomes part of the backdrop to a student Can-Can dance performance in front of the arched entrance to Garrison...
Integrated MPA 的项目为期三年,是为McCombs School of Business 的本科生设置,通过Integrated MPA项目,学生将同时获得BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration degree)in accounting 和 MPA degree。ECON-MPA项目,则是为UT-Austin经济学本科生设置。完成该项目的学生,将获得经济学学士学位和MPA硕士学位。该项目竞争也...
Austin won the privilege to host the main campus of the University after a hotly contested state election, and as it was already the seat of Texas government, civic leaders predicted Austin would soon be the “Athens of the Southwest.” Fortunately, there were no proposals to change the city...
得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin),简称UT-Austin,是得克萨斯大学系统的旗舰校区,是一所世界著名的顶尖公立研究型大学,也是全美最负盛名的“公立常春藤”最初八所院校之一。得州大学系统是全美受捐赠数额第二大的教育...
“We are already seeing the impact of the Commerce Department’s export controls, with U.S. exports to Russia of items subject to new licensing requirements have decreased by 99 percent by value compared to the same time period last year. With today’s action we send a clear message to ...
UT-Austin被捕抗议学生已获释 近期,针对巴以冲突的反战抗议活动在美国各大高校持续蔓延,众多知名大学的学生纷纷加入示威队伍,但遭到了美国警方的镇压和逮捕。 据《奥斯汀-美国政治家报》(Austin American-Statesman)报道,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of ...