知道整体鸡肋,在美国就业形势就是待业这个事实,但我也一直不愿意相信连我的女神校UT Austin也是这样。
UT Austin的MSBA项目历时至少10个月,夏季学期开学,学生需修满36学分。课程主要涉及的领域包括应用统计和...
拿到的offer:UT-Austin MSITM、UT-Austin MSBA(最终去向)、UMN MSBA($8000 Scholarship)、Georgetown Analytics($6000 Scholarship)、Vanderbilt Data Science。 我毕业之后是gap了一年才开始申请的…其实本来我也没想gap,想直接申请留学BA的,但是由于大四那年放弃保研去Wisconsin-Madison做交换生的时候,我感觉我可能不止...
1. 你可以申着试试,这两年big data太火,录取难度exponential上升 2. 建议你学一学Python.http://c...
“I’ve always been interested in technology and love solving problems, which is why I want to study Electrical and Computer Engineering at UT Austin. Throughout high school, I’ve taken advanced math and science courses, which prepared me for a future in engineering. I also interned at a ...
Esteban G. TabakThe University of Texas at AustinCommunications on Pure and Applied MathematicsI. Gamba, R. R. Rosales, and E. G. Tabak, Constraints on possible singularities for the unsteady transonic small disturbance (UTSD) equations, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 52 (1999), 763-779....
UT-Austin就地点来说,不比Houston差,无论是环境还是就业机会。因为是德州最有名的学校,所以机会肯定比其他德州学校多,比如Houston的Rice University,尤其是对国际学生来说。不过如果你能在Rice拿到全奖,自己又足够聪明努力和有自信的话,Rice也可以是你考虑的学校。"Fit"对MBA择校和将来找工作都非常重要。这所学校不...
Exactly 1,111 votes had been cast, 554 from the Austin main campus, 148 from the medical school, and 409 from the alumni. Orange and white received 562 votes, and won the majority by seven ballots. Most of the Austin students had predictably supported orange and maroon, which garnered ...
On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 610 and 760, while 25% scored below 610 and 25% scored above 760. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1480 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at UT Austin. Requirements The University of Texas at Austin ...
Coach Edwards was due in Austin on Wednesday the 5th and would take over the team the following day. The first football game of the season was set for October 15 at Add-Ran College (later Texas Christian University) in Waco. The team, though, had a uniform problem. Phillips, who was ...