我想说的是,首先ECE-SES @ UT-Austin是一个运气占主导的项目,毕竟一年只录十来个中国人,招生人数实在是太少了(好比3.7+的绩点申请ECE-SES @ UT-Austin和ECE @ CMU,它俩对于我可以说都是纯纯的彩票,但是3.9+的话可以认为CMU是冲刺,但是UT-Austin因为招生人数过少所以依旧是彩票)。其次,如果你语言真的像我...
操作步骤很简单,首先打开Google,其次选一款合适你的(可能会按Major或者课外活动 + GPA写需求),然后申请就可以了:)。 详情可见Scholarship Opportunities for Students at The University of Texas at Austin FAFSA:FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid Q4 奖学金秘籍。 攒好GPA,尽量抓住机会,找好能给...
Welcome University of Texas (UT) A Message From Our Team Welcome to the BCG page for UT Austin Undergraduates and non-MBA Masters students!We are excited that you are interested in consulting at BCG. You will find...
an unprecedented public relations campaign to promote higher education, a sumptuous turkey dinner, a near-fatal bout of appendicitis, and a legislative debate over merging Texas A&M with the University in Austin.
It is also worth noting that the above workflow can be applied or modified to study many different types of porous materials, including those described in the aforementioned application areas. A wide variety of digital rock samples are also available at the Digital Rocks Portal [27]. For MPLBM...