2024-25年UT-Austin本科申请早申时间截止时间10月15日了,常规申请申请截止日12月1日了,相对于往年申请而言,提前了不少,所以大家务必要及时做好安排! UT-Austin本科申请时间秋季节点: Application Opens:8月1日 Early Action Deadline:10月15日 Regular Decision Deadline:12月1日 Early Action Decisions Released:...
How can I find housing in Austin for the summer? Generally, we are able to help our interns find housing. In addition, we offer a housing stipend of $55 per week for full-time interns to help offset the cost oof rent. What are the incentives for the early application deadline?
说实话,申请UT并不容易。 首先,美国大学申请中,最常用的两个申请系统为:Coalition for College和Common Application。如果你用的是Coalition申请,恭喜你,你什么都不用多做;然而,大部分的学生会在申请过程中选择Common Application,因为跟其合作的学校数量要比和Coalition的要多得多,但是UT并不是这些学校之一;因此,你必...
近年,UT虽然推出了提前交申请,提前得知录取结果的政策(Priority Deadline,截止日期为11/1,不是Early Decision/Early Action噢!),但这项政策并没有用在国际学生身上,因此,学生有较长的时间去完成所需要的写作材料。此外,虽然UT给出的录取放榜时间是隔年的二月底/三月初,但其实UT是分批发布录取通知的:例如,一些幸运...
2024: 32% 2023: 32% UT-Austin does not offer Early Action or Early Decision options for its application process. All students must submit their applications through the ApplyTexas platform or Common App, with the final deadline being December 1st. ...
为了迎接申请高峰期到来,每周盘点热门项目最新申请截止日期,下面为大家盘点港科、港中文、JHU、UT-Austin、UMD、WFU等热门项目deadline: 香港科技大学 - MSc Business Analytics - 完整截止日期: 第一轮:2017年10月31日 第二轮:2017年12月31日 第三轮:2018年3月1日 ...
2015年秋季我到UT Austin开始读博士,第一个学期其实还是特别辛苦的。 当时我上了三门课(学院推荐上两门),还要当TA,还在实验室rotation,基本每天都是早出晚归的学习生活。 那时候每天睡眠都难以保证6小时,有几次赶Deadline的时候到了凌晨两点什么的都有点想哭,甚至也会问自己为什么要选择一个人出来受尽辛苦。
Even though UT Austin likely says they have no minimum ACT requirement, if you apply with a 27 or below, you'll have a very hard time getting in, unless you have something else very impressive in your application. There are so many applicants scoring 30 and above that a 27 will look ...
each year (each major recruits 3-5 students each year). The priority admission deadline is ...
I write a lot about leadership issues, often from the perspective of psychology studies, since I’m a psych professor at University of Texas at Austin. But recently I’ve been thinking about something a bit different. A few weeks ago, I was asked by my university to coordinate planning for...