根据官方数据,UT Austin 2028届的录取率为28.2%。在总计68,931份申请中,只有19,417人成功获得录取。 与藤校相比,UT Austin的录取率确实要高,但这并不意味着它的竞争压力较小。例如,哈佛大学的申请者约有54,000人,而UT Austin的申请...
For the 2022-23 freshman cohort, UT-Austin received a total of 59,767 applications and extended admission offers to 18,770 individuals, resulting in an acceptance rate of 31% for the Class of 2026. Looking at historical data, the University of Texas at Austin’s acceptance rates in recent ...
AdmissionSuccess rateN/A ACT / SAT75%ile scores33 / 1480 Student RatioStudents-to-Faculty18 : 1 Retention(full-time / part-time)95% / 89% EnrollmentTotal (all students)51,832 Academics The university is accredited by the Commission of Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Sch...
2017年到2023年之间,Tufts的acceptance rate从14.8%掉到10.13%。 位于美国麻萨诸塞州的塔夫茨大学,被誉为新常春藤,是波士顿五大名校之一。其在2024年 US News美国大学排行位列第40名。Tufts官网的admission数据显示,它在去年一共收到34002份...
The University of Texas at Austin is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 32%. UT Austin is the flagship institution of the University of Texas System. Considering applying to this selective school? Here are the UT Austin admissions statistics you should know, including average...
1. University of Texas at Austin | UT Austin Location: AustinAcceptance rate: 32%Middle 50% SAT: 1210-1470Middle 50% ACT: 27-33Undergrad enrollment: 40,800Texas’ flagship university, UT Austin is the oldest and largest institution in the System. It is known as a “Public Ivy” thanks ...
“His speech from the beginning to the close was a grand and masterly one,” reported the Austin Statesman,“eschewing from his discourse the tinseled vaporings which generally characterize commencement efforts.” When the auditorium in the old Main Building was completed in 1890, commencement ...
“His speech from the beginning to the close was a grand and masterly one,” reported the Austin Statesman,“eschewing from his discourse the tinseled vaporings which generally characterize commencement efforts.” When the auditorium in the old Main Building was completed in 1890, commencement ...
作为一个相对小众一些的大学,虽然申请人数不高,但是Tufts的录取率可是一点都不留情面。2017年到2023年之间,Tufts的acceptance rate从14.8%掉到10.13%。 位于美国麻萨诸塞州的塔夫茨大学,被誉为新常春藤,是波士顿五大名校之一。其在2024年 US News美国大学排行位列第40名。Tufts官网的admission数据显示,它在去年一共...
对于那些主页明确写了"don't contact me regarding admission"的教授就不要去套磁了。并且注意同一个department同时只和一位教授套磁,如果两周没回复再换下一个。通过套磁,我拿到了至少三次提前面试的机会,虽然现在想想等过了committee...