In 1997, Texas implemented a policy granting automatic admission to any resident who ranked in the top 10% of their class for any state university. However, due to UT-Austin’s popularity, the threshold was adjusted to the top 7% before further lowering to the top 6%, where it stands pres...
超大规模集成电路)方向,我申请了卡耐基梅隆大学、UT Austin、佐治亚理工、普渡大学这几个EE排名前十的学校,之所以最后选择到UT Austin就读,是因为这是一所公立学校,学费低,对于读Master来说,性价比非常高,UT Austin的业界认可度也比较高。
December 1– Regular Application Deadline (with notification no later thanMarch 1) The Office of Admissions and each freshman honors program will notify students who meet the priority application deadline no later thanFebruary 1. Priority notifications will include offers of admission to majors and a...
information you need to complete the online application. We have prepared a guide (pdf) to help you prepare to use the ApplyTexas application. You should submit the application as early as possible so that your recommenders will have ample time to submit their recommendations before the deadline...
Austin, Texas 78712 Tel 512 471-7213 Fax 512 471-7620 Looking for A Look Inside the MFA Admission Process In general, know that we get a very strong pool of applicants and that we only take a class of twelve, which typically translates into our making offers to less than 10% of those...
2/25 Interview with Joe Hahn (MSF program director) 3/30 Admission with $15000 背景: Top 20美本,专业Econ+Stats,GRE 332,国内实习*2 + 美国实习*2 都是金融相关。 录:UT,Fordham,HU Waitlist:WUSTL C track Rej:USC 还没出:BC 2/25面试: ...
“Congratulations on your admission…” 总算不用失学了! 当然后来的CMU录取打乱了我的计划hahaha。由于很早就决定去UMN,完全没想到会收到CMU的录取,最后为了CMU损失了UMN 1500刀占坑费。所以最好还是尽量延长decision的deadline,因为你最想要的会在最后来临。
为了迎接申请高峰期到来,每周盘点热门项目最新申请截止日期,下面为大家盘点港科、港中文、JHU、UT-Austin、UMD、WFU等热门项目deadline: 香港科技大学 - MSc Business Analytics - 完整截止日期: 第一轮:2017年10月31日 第二轮:2017年12月31日 第三轮:2018年3月1日 ...
each year (each major recruits 3-5 students each year). The priority admission deadline is ...
Yueyuan:一般大概中国学生有5-6名左右;根据我跟admission committee的人交流,他们觉得非常欢迎更多中国学生申请,不认为现在的就读中国学生size限制中国学生的申请,只要有合适的中国申请人,中国学生在McCombs增加比例的潜力很大。 提问6:Could you share some details regarding Venture Labs Investment competition?