Originally part of the Texas A&M University System, UT Arlington joined the UT System in 1965. Today, it is the third-largest producer of college graduates in Texas. The university is the second-largest in the UT System, offering more than 180 bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree ...
JSOM西边是AC(Activity Center)和VCB(Visitor Center and University Bookstore),AC里面设施齐全,可...
得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(The University of Texas at Dallas,UTD),成立于1969年,是位于美国得克萨斯州理查德森市(Richardson)的一所公立研究型大学,位列卡内基高等教育机构分类的最高等级R1级。 [23]其管理学院(Naveen Jindal School of Management)和工程计算机科学学院(Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer...