悉尼大学(USYD)补习:商业法专业(硕士),Master of Business Law,MBL. 同步课程辅导、考前辅导、论文作业辅导 我们能辅导海外各大院校的各种热门冷门专业,点击下方卡片咨询(备注:知乎享平台专属试听课,及…
Due to the strong demand for places to the University of Sydney Business School’s postgraduate programs, we will cease the incomplete Australian master’s degree transfer process for all PG Business programs for S2 2021 and onwards immediately. Students who apply on the basis of their Graduate ...
Master of Speech Language Pathology 以下课程搭配语言班,额度也比较有限,如学生有意向衔接2024年S1主课搭配语言班的,请尽快提交语言班申请: Master of Digitial Communication and Culture (incul GD and GC) Master of Media Practice (incul GD and GC) Master of Commerce (Incul GD and GC) Master of Co...
悉尼大学(USYD)补习:法学(硕士),Master of Laws. 同步课程辅导、考前辅导、论文作业辅导 我们能辅导海外各大院校的各种热门冷门专业,点击下方卡片咨询(备注:知乎享平台专属试听课,及套餐优惠) 悉尼大学(USYD)法学(硕士),Master of Laws. 悉尼大学法学院拥有150多年的经验,是世界领先的法学院之一,在2021年QS世界大...