The Usual Suspects: Directed by Bryan Singer. With Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel Byrne, Benicio Del Toro, Kevin Pollak. The sole survivor of a pier shoot-out tells the story of how a notorious criminal influenced the events that began with five criminals meet
I still like this card and it joins a small crop of these types (mostly one key character I like but some other bargain buys) in my stash and it probably won't be the last. Grab a box right here: None for this one ... but Marvel boxes ar...
To maintain the air of mystery, Bryan Singer led all five main actors to believe they were playing the role of Keyser Soze while filmingThe Usual Suspects. Only Kevin Spacey knew from the outset that his character, Verbal Kint, was really Soze. Upon screening the film for the first time, ...
92 Infofreak Dec 13, 2001 Permalink 10/10 Then comes the twist Death and mayhem comes to the docks. The police picks up Verbal Kint (Kevin Spacey). In the interview, he recounts the events leading to the havoc at the docks. The crew meets at a sketchy line up after a truck robbery...