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anaconda默认从国外官网Anaconda Cloud下载安装包,下载速度相当慢,为了提高下载速度,可以替换anaconda的下载镜像源就如pip一样,网上搜到的都是清华镜像,但是已经不可用了,'mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn'网页都无法打开,清华已经关闭该镜像了! 后来网上搜查,发现“中国科学技术大学”(USTC Open Source Software Mirror)...
USTCOpenSourceSoftwareMirror USTCOpenSourceSoftwareMirror Another infinity Welcome to the USTC open source mirror.Brought to you by University of Science and Technology of China and USTCLUG.⽂件列表 Folder Last Update Help anthon2015-03-18 02:58:18Help aosp2015-03-18 04:33:01Help apache2015-03-...
USTC Open Source Software Mirror 也有比起 github / gitcafe 不遑多让的代码托管服务 gitlab GitLab...
University of Science and Technology of China Open Source Mirrors New Mirror Request If you wantUSTC mirrorsto add some new mirror or feature or modify the configration of exist mirror, plsese submit anissuein this repository. We will accept high vote project. ...
{"DATABASE":{"NAME":"",// database name"USER":"",// database username"PASSWORD":"",// database password"HOST":"",// database host, here should be "localhost""PORT":3306,// database port"TEST":{// test database"NAME":"","CHARSET":"utf8","COLLATION":null,"MIRROR":null}...
USTC Open Source Software Mirror mirrors.ustc.edu.cn 那些免费的砖 - 发现设计/前端那些免费可商用的资源 www.thosefree.com 在线编辑矢量插画 icons8.com WantWords 反向词典 WantWords(原:万词王)是唯一支持中文及中英跨语言查询的反向词典系统,可以通过描述意思来查找词语。WantWords基于最先进的人工智能和自然...
There is a read-only mirror at GitHub: https://github.com/apache/jmeter Licensing and legal information For legal and licensing information, please see the following files: LICENSE NOTICE Cryptographic Software Notice This distribution may include software that has been designed for use with crypt...
Welcome to USTC open source software mirror. Brought to you by University of Science and Technology of China and USTCLUG. Docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn. Elastic.proxy.ustclug.org. Launchpad.proxy.ustclug.org. Cloudera.proxy.ustclug.org/cdh5/. Openwrt.proxy.
beijing jiaotong university free and open source software mirror,北京交通大学开源镜像站。 グローバルランク - -mirrors.ustc.edu.cn グローバルランク - - mirror.bjtu.edu.cn対mirrors.ustc.edu.cnランキング比較 過去3か月のmirror.bjtu.edu.cn の世界ランキング推移をmirrors.ustc.edu.cnと比較...