Sweden, the USSR and the early Cold War 1944–47: declassified encrypted cables shed new light on Soviet diplomatic reporting about Sweden in the aftermath of World War IIIn March 1946 the Soviet government decided to radically revise their policy towards Sweden. The Soviet demand, ever since ...
Related to USSR:cold war AcronymDefinition USSRUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics(now Commonwealth of Independent States) USSRUninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading(education) USSRUnderground Security Systems Research USSRUniversal Solid State Relay
The M-125 (codename: Fialka) was one of the most beautiful and compact electro-mechanical cipher machines produced by the USSR during the Cold War. It was used by most Warsaw Pact countries, including Russia itself. It has a built-in printer, paper puncher, paper tape reader and a 10-...
This quiz and worksheet assess the following skills: Reading comprehension - ensure that you draw the most important information from the related lesson on the fall of the USSR and end of the Cold War Knowledge application - use your knowledge to answer questions about policies of the U...
The Struggles Between The USSR and US in the Period of the First Cold War and the Armed Neutrality of Austria After the World War鈪 ,Austria was occupied respectively by Russia,America,England and France.As the rise of the Cold War between the United States and the ... MH Guo,QN Univers...
The end of WWII marked the start of the Cold War; a period of political, economic and military tension between East and West, seperated by the Iron Curtain. It was a period in which many eavesdropping and spy radio sets were developed. As the leading nation of the Warsaw Pact, Russia –...
Winning Women's Hearts and Minds: Selling Cold War Culture in the US and the USSR by Diana Cucuz "Winning Women's Hearts and Minds: Selling Cold War Culture in the US and the USSR" by Diana Cucuz is a revisionist exploration of the gendered nature of t... D J. Youngblood - 《Jour...
Give us good news today We're holding out for better days In Red Square they're dancing A half a world away USA-USSR People before superpowers Hold on to world peace USA-USSS-SOS-R Voice of America Sent out a message to the world: "Let love melt this Cold War!" Don't destroy th...
For those of us who lived in the capitalist west during the Cold War, there remains a fascination to this day about the Other Side. The propaganda we were fed as kids matched theirs in describing the awful things on the other side of the wall, something that wasn’t borne out when a ...
摘要: A distant front in the Cold War : the USSR in West Africa and the Congo, 1956-1964 Sergey Mazov (Cold War International History Project series) Woodrow Wilson Center Press , Stanford University Press, c2010 : hbk关键词:disability doctors duty harm identity non-identity problem ...