技术参数 USS South Dakota 南达科他号(BB.57) 排水量:标准排水量38,000吨,满载排水量44,374吨 尺寸:全长207.3米;舰宽33.0米;最大吃水11.1米 动力:4轴齿轮蒸汽轮机,输出13万马力(96940千瓦) 航速:28节 装甲:舰体侧面311米;甲板38-127毫米;炮塔457毫米 武器装备:9门406毫米(16英寸)主炮、16门127毫米(...
将“USS South Dakota"翻译成英文 USS South Dakota是将“USS South Dakota"翻译成 英文。 译文示例:USS Indiana (BB-58) – amerykański pancernik typu South Dakota, nazwany od stanu Indiana. ↔ USS Indiana (BB-58), a South Dakota-class battleship, USS South Dakota ...
USS South Dakota 南达科他设定 南达科他给人们留下的印象经常是“稳重”,又时常不太稳重。由于海军要求在北卡罗来纳级的基础上增加防护却不增加吨位预算,她最终长成了一个个子不高但敦实的姑娘*[YJ1] 。为了显得自己不会比北卡姐妹矮太多,要面子的她穿起了十厘米的高跟鞋。 作为以美国四十八州之一命名的军舰...
During World War II, the second South Dakota (BB 57) was commissioned as the lead ship in its class. The four ships of the South Dakota class are considered the most efficient battleships built under the limitations of the Washington Naval treaty. South Dakota served in the Pacific and Atlan...
USSAlabama(BB-60) was aSouth Dakota-classbattleship that was commissioned into the U.S. Navy in 1942. The last ship of its class,Alabamainitially served in the Atlantic Theater ofWorld War II, before receiving orders to shift to the Pacific in 1943. Largely serving as protection for Americ...
[据俄新社2016年6月21日报道]美国海军正在建造新型弗吉尼亚级攻击潜艇USS South Dakota(SSN-790),并声称该核潜艇将拥有尖端的声学优势功能,使其成为首屈一指的核潜艇。 美国战略与预算评估中心2015年1月发布的“新兴时代在水下作战”的报告认为,美国和竞争对手之间的技术差距正在缩小。该报告强调,美国的竞争对手也...
USS South ..原套件-- TRUMPETER 1/700 05760改套件-- 五星模型FS700021 起工日-- 2013/07/12 完工日-- 2013/12/04
The New USS South Dakota (SSN-790)Hansen, KeithSouth Dakota Medicine
Montanaclass battleship is the United States Navy during the Second World War plan tobuild, but ultimately only exists in the drawings of the battleship, the USNavy designed the last leve...