Click "Reunion Photos" tab above to view photos from the Reunions.Many other photos are available on the USS FDR Group Facebook Page Shipmate needsyourhelpCLICK HERE Interested in a video of your Med Cruise? All the details availableHERE ...
Fortunately, no one was hurt. And ships, as well as reputations, can be cleaned up. Embarrassed though we were then, with the passage of enough time, well...there really was something hilarious seeing those guys getting sprayed down! Respectfully, An Officer of the 70-71 Cruise. (Reprinted...
I first learned about the dangers of the salvage operations when I visited Pearl Harbor on an NJROTC cadet training cruise in the spring of 1978. During the week we spent in Pearl between the outbound leg on theUSS Frederick LST-1184and our return to California aboard theUSS Gray FF-1054,...
Click "Reunion Photos" tab above to view photos from the Reunions. Many other photos are available on the USS FDR Group Facebook PageShipmate needs your help CLICK HEREInterested in a video of your Med Cruise? All the details available HERETwo Bell Ceremony at the newly restored FDR ...