As of late, administering the Battleship USS IOWA Facebook group page. Glenwood Rose Hails from: Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina Division: 7 Rate/Rank: GM SN Date of Birth: 11/29/1934 Years in Service: 1952-1955 Entered Navy at 17 years of age. It was a pleasure to serve on the ...
乔治·华盛顿号核动力航空母舰(USS George Washington CVN-73),或常直接简称为华盛顿号,是美国尼米兹级核动力航空母舰的六号舰。1990年下水的华盛顿号是美国海军第二艘以美国国父乔治·华盛顿为名而建造的军舰。华盛顿号于2008年编入第七舰队,以取代除役的小鹰号,并以日本神奈川县横须贺海军基地为母港,是史上第一艘...
乔治·华盛顿号核动力航空母舰(USS George Washington CVN-73),或常直接简称为华盛顿号,是美国尼米兹级核动力航空母舰的六号舰。1990年下水的华盛顿号是美国海军第二艘以美国国父乔治·华盛顿为名而建造的军舰。华盛顿号于2008年编入第七舰队,以取代除役的小鹰号,并以日本神奈川县横须贺海军基地为母港,是史上第一艘...
The photo above from the ACGarchive was posted onArmchair General’s Facebook pagerecently. Viewers were asked if they could identify the ship. Joseph Tremain didn’t just identify it correctly, he wrote the following article forACGabout about the unusual story of the U.S. carrier that didn...
There was no way to get the oil off my face. We were floating in water covered everywhere with oil. The water was cold, and I felt completely helpless to do anything but hang on to the side of the boat.” “When daylight came the warmth of the sun felt good, but in no time it...
BySteven Hoarn Steven Hoarn is the Editor/Photo Editor for Defense Media Network. He is a graduate of... Sharing Options: Tweet FacebookComments 8 Archived Comments Back to Top Sidebar
Becasue the kit provides decals for the the USS washington, my uncle's ship. The kit goes together quickly with minimal parts cleanup. Recommended for modelers of all ages. 5 a great model Posted by joseph john fucci on Dec 2nd 2021 well made love it and made in long island...
On a local Facebook page, parents reacted strongly against the idea that their children could be paddled at Shining Star Academy of the Arts. "For anyone still considering The Shining Star Academy for your children's education: I need to inform you that I recently received a 'Parent Contrac...