Enterprise Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki DieEnterprise-F wird im Folgejahr wie geplant außer Dienst gestellt. Die Sternenflotte stellt2402die ehemaligeUSSTitanals neue USSEnterprise(NCC-1701-G) in Dienst. (PIC:Die nächste Generation,Võx,Die letzte Generation)...
External links USSEnterprise(NCC-1701) (alternate reality)atMemory Beta, the wiki for licensedStar Trekworks Experience theEnterprise
In that year, theT'Saurawas assigned to study an interdimensional rift within theDelta Triangleregion recently discovered by theUSSEnterprise, and to determine a way to safely enter and exit the anomaly, without suffering damage to the ship'sdilithiumcrystals. They were later aided in this object...
In the opening pages of theWilliam ShatnernovelThe Return, theFarragutwas described as being destroyed by aRomulanwarshipover the planet Veridian III. External link USSFarragut(NCC-60597)atMemory Beta, the wiki for licensedStar Trekworks Community content is available under theCC BY-NClicense unless...
All things can be understood once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” This was the motto of the USS Discovery when it was launched into service. Officially designated a Crossfield classsciencevessel, the Discovery’s facilities could accommodate 300 discrete scientific investigation...
For other uses, see Wilson. For other uses, see NCC-416. The USS Wilson (NCC-416) was a United Earth Yorktown-class battleship starship in Earth Starfleet service in the 22nd century. This ship was in active service around the year 2159. (ST video game:
For other uses, see Koro. The USS Koro was a 24th century Federation starship, a Saber-class destroyer in Starfleet service around the year 2377. (ST video game: Armada II) No history or fate is established for this vessel in Armada II as its name was ra
Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki Erkunden Werkzeuge Portale Star Trek Gemeinschaft Anmelden Erkunden Aktuell ausblenden Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki Andere wie Sie haben dies angesehen USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G) USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) Constitution-III-Klasse Titan-Typ Liam Shaw...
↑ "The Last Generation" ↑TOSvideo game:Fleet Command ↑PICepisode: "Seventeen Seconds" ↑PICepisode: "Disengage". ↑PICepisode: "Surrender" External link USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)article atMemory Alpha, the wiki for canonStar Trek. ...
A USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) é uma nave de Star Trek que esteve operativa no século XXV. É uma nave da Frota Estelar da Federação Unida dos Planetas e uma das naves insígnia da mesma. Foi lançada no ano 2409 sob o comando do capitão Va