联邦星舰企业号或联邦星舰进取号(USS Enterprise),简译企业号、进取号,是吉恩·罗登贝瑞(Eugene Wesley Roddenberry,昵称Gene Roddenberry)创造的《星际迷航》系列中的一些虚构星舰的名称。大部分的这些星舰都使用了“NCC-1701”的注册号,而较后的星舰则在注册号后按序添加英文字母以示区分。发展历史 按照《星际...
Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) ist ein Raumschiff des Enterprise-Typs der Sternenflotte der Föderation im frühen 25. Jahrhundert. Es ist das siebte Sternenflottenschiff, das den Namen Enterprise trägt. Im Jahr 2401 untersteht das Schiff am Tag de
USS ENTERPRISE-F (YORKTOWN-CLASS REFIT) - A scientific vessel available to Starfleet players in Star Trek Online, the Yorktown-class Starcruiser was a new refit for the Odyssey-class chassis, the most advanced vessel of its kind - and a fitting configuration for the USS Enterprise-F, the ...
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USS Enterprise NCC-1701 is sold by Qwertee for $12 plus $6 shipping. Day of the Shirt collects daily and weekly t-shirt sales from across the Internet and aggregates them all in one place. Updated every hour, refreshed every day.
The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was a 23rd century Federation Constitution-class starship operated by Starfleet. Launched in 2258, the vessel was officially made the Federation flagship, and the first Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise. (Star
全球限量发行 3,000 枚。硬币的反面再现了最著名的星际飞船的俯视图,《星际迷航》中著名的企业号 NCC-1701 的圆形碟形和机舱使硬币具有独特的形状。USS Enterprise NCC-1701™ 是一艘起源于《星际迷航》宇宙的传奇星际飞船。在 James T. Kirk™ 船长的指挥下,该企业号因其为期五年的...
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The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 was a Constitution-class star ship of the United Federation of Planets, serving well throughout the middle of the 23rd century, and various refits and rebuilds meant that its legacy spanned well into the next century and beyond. NCC-1701 made many great scientific...
sry but the ncc 1701 dont look like this 6.3 years ago 0 Theswaff699 @tempusfelis yes 6.3 years ago 7,079 tempusfelis @Theswaff699 Did you disable 8 after VTOL? 6.3 years ago 0 Theswaff699 nice details but, can be alittle wonky on the controls 6.3 years ago 7,079 ...