destroyer Duncan was sinking, Farenholt was badly damaged, and cruiser Boise, though hard hit, had weathered several powerful blows. However, the Japanese losses were even greater. Furutaka was sinking, Aoba was badly damaged
the majority of them had to be light cruisers. The pursuit for a light cruiser that would rival the heavy cruiser began, leading to a series of design studies that proposed various solutions to implement effective protection and armament, some of which could be considered by many as unconvention...
I proceeded to Pearl Harbor at once in a car in company with Gunnery Officer, Supply Officer and the Executive Officer of theBoise. As we approached Pearl Harbor, I noted large columns of black smoke arising from the harbor, and as we drew closer, formations of large black bombing planes ...
destroyer Duncan was sinking, Farenholt was badly damaged, and cruiser Boise, though hard hit, had weathered several powerful blows. However, the Japanese losses were even greater. Furutaka was sinking, Aoba was badly damaged