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净流出340.85 9.50%66.11%24.40% 流入:162.41 流出:503.26 0.00 特大 0.00 0.00 大单 0.00 0.00 中单 63.21 162.41 小单 440.04 资金流向 实时日周月 整体 特大单 大单 中单 小单 新闻 Equinix分析师评级 日期 上涨/下跌 分析师 公司 目标价格 变动 评级变动 之前/当前评级 2025年1月23日 18.79% 斯科舍银行...
Calendar Year as of 1y3y5y10yIncept. Total Return (%)8.60- Market Price (%)8.59- Benchmark (%)8.73- After Tax Pre-Liq. (%)7.58-3.343.084.303.39 After Tax Post-Liq. (%)5.31-2.102.823.873.13 ...
Markets change, but our community always has the latest news, in-depth analysis, and powerful stock ratings. Continue with Google Continue with Apple or Create Free Account By creating an account using any of the options above, you agree to the Terms of Use & Privacy Policy USRT iShares ...
收盘价 01/02 16:00 (美东) 57.340最高价56.580最低价 57.340最高价56.580最低价91.91万股成交量57.300今开57.310昨收5239.88万成交额1.86%换手率--市盈率(静)4940.00万总股本62.68352周最高--市净率28.05亿流通值47.99952周最低1.63股息TTM4940.00万流通股62.683历史最高2.87%股息率TTM1.33%振幅26.812历史最低57.011...
03/07 DoorDash’s stock pops as it gets the S&P 500 nod over these more volatile names 03/07 I signed a prenup, but my husband refuses to make a will or set up a trust. If he dies, will I inherit his estate? 03/07 Barron's Chinese Financial Zombies 03/07 I fled our $2....
The following ETFs maintain exposure to iShares Core U.S. REIT ETF (USRT). ETF holdings data are updated once a day, and are subject to change. To see a complete breakdown of any of the ETFs included in the table below, including sector, market cap, and country allocations, click on ...
8480公告Annual report of employee stock purchase, savingsRuby Tuesday Inc06-18 02:27 8780公告Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securRuby Tuesday Inc06-10 03:21 6870公告Current report, item 5.02Ruby Tuesday Inc06-09 04:47 5810公告Current report, items 8.01 and 9.01Ruby Tuesday Inc06-...
研报指标速递 机构股票池 机构首次关注 投资评级调高 代码 机构 最新评级 序号证券代码证券简称研究机构最新评级评级变动目标价报告日收盘价预期涨幅盈利预测报告日期报告摘要 25年EPS26年EPS27年EPS 1 002967 广电计量 天风证券 买入 首次 22.40 18.81 19% 0.56 0.70 0.85 2025-01-20 报告摘要 精细管理轻装上阵,...
25年EPS26年EPS27年EPS 1 002624 完美世界 东吴证券 买入 - 10.44 - -0.62 0.36 0.67 2025-01-20 报告摘要 2024年业绩预告点评:转型期利润承压,关注新游业绩弹性 完美世界(002624) 投资要点 事件:2024年公司预计实现营收55-56亿元,同比下降28%-29%,归母净亏损11-13亿元,2023年为归母净利润4.91亿元,扣非归...