编译 g++ 编译时需要链接uhd库,系统需提前安装UHD驱动。具体过程参见之前博客。Ubuntu14.04 源码安装 UHD3.8.0 g++ tx.cpp -o tx -luhd 3. USRP接收数据 启动USRP,并使USRP一直接收数据。 源码 #include <uhd/usrp/multi_usrp.hpp> #include <csignal> #define SAMPLE_PER_BUFF 2000 int stop_signal_called...
UHD CC++ 编程实例 USRP发送、接收数据
MTS美特斯 CTT1103 微机控制电子扭转试验机(1000Nm) 面议 ¥ 755000.00 MTS美特斯 CTT1201 微机控制电子扭转试验机(20Nm) 面议 ¥ 755000.00 MTS美特斯 Ts9105-R CMT5105-R微机控制电子万能试验(100kN) 面议 ¥ 755000.00 MTS美特斯 CTT1501-LN 拉扭试验机 面议 操作简单 控制精准 ¥ 755000.00 ...
The GetUserAllChanges operation is used to get all user profile change entries available on the protocol server for the specified user. <wsdl:operation name="GetUserAllChanges"> <wsdl:input message="tns:GetUserAllChangesSoapIn" /> <wsdl:output message="tns:GetUserAllChangesSoapOut" /> </ws...
USRP(Universal Software Radio Peripheral,通用软件无线电外设)旨在使普通计算机能像高带宽的软件无线电设备一样工作。从本质上讲,它充当了一个无线电通讯系统的数字基带和中频部分。 USRP背后的基本设计理念是在主机 CPU 上完成所有波形相关方面的处理,比如调制和解调。所有诸如数字上下变频、抽样和内插等高速通用操作都...
USRP,全称为“通用软件无线电平台”,是一款由美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)资助,旨在推动软件无线电技术发展的开源硬件项目。USRP 旨在通过软件无线电技术,使无线电系统更加灵活、可重配置和易于使用。 2.USRP 的功能 USRP 具有以下主要功能: (1)灵活性:USRP 能够支持多种无线电标准和协议,用户可以根据需要进行配...
find_all When using broadcast, find all devices, even if unreachable via CHDR. find_all=1 master_clock_rate Master Clock Rate in Hz. Default is 16 MHz. master_clock_rate=30.72e6 serialize_init Force serial initialization of daughterboards. serialize_init=1 skip_dram Ignore DRAM FIF...
In this modern world many communication devices are highly intelligent and interconnected between each other. Any up-gradation of the hardware in the existing communication devices is not easier one. Compatibility of the new hardware with existing hardware is highly essential. But the new protocols ma...
USRP(Universal Software Radio Peripheral)是一种开(Open)放计算机接口,由Ettus Research研制开发,它利用板载运算收发电台信号,并通过软件实现定制的无线系统。USRP可以广泛应用于无线通信系统,包括射频设计、无线传感器网络、计算机辅助接收,以及软件无线电等领域。 2.USRP组成 USRP由PC机和无线发射接收器构成,PC机用来运行...
This paper describes the implementation of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver based on the Software Defined Radio approach. A software receiver has more flexibility as compared to the conventional hardware receiver since the intermediate signals are available for processing and analysis ...