USRP B205MINI-I Board Only (1X1, 70 MHZ - 6 GHZ) - ETTUS RESEARCH Ettus公司的USRP B205mini-i提供1个Tx/Rx通道,尺寸只有名片大小。使用工业等级Xilinx Spartan-6 XC6SLX150 FPGA + AD9364 RFIC,该款为不带外壳的版本。 网站留言 产品概述 ...
USRP B205MINI-I Board Only (1X1, 70 MHZ - 6 GHZ) - ETTUS RESEARCH The USRP™ B205mini-i delivers a 1×1 SDR/cognitive radio in the size of a business card. Overview The USRP™ B205mini-i delivers a 1×1 SDR/cognitive radio in the size of a business card. With a wide fre...
软件无线电 USRP B205mini-i(Board Only)价格 ¥ 5.00 起订数 1台起批 发货地 广东深圳 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 T型偏置器 T型偏置器 75 Ohm N头偏置器 Bias Tee 75 Ohm Bracke ¥ 6.00 软件无线电 射频子板 CBX-120 Ettus ¥ 6.00 软件无线电 USRP E310 ¥ 10.00 电流探头 英国...
The RF front end uses the Analog Devices AD9364 RFIC transceiver with 56 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth. The board is bus-powered by a high-speed USB 3.0 connection for streaming data to the host computer. The USRP B205mini-i also includes connectors for GPIO, JTAG, and synchronization ...
USRP B205MINI-I Board Only (1X1, 70 MHZ - 6 GHZ) - ETTUS RESEARCH Ettus公司的USRP B205mini-i提供1个Tx/Rx通道,尺寸只有名片大小。使用工业等级Xilinx Spartan-6 XC6SLX150 FPGA + AD9364 RFIC,该款为不带外壳的版本。 USRP B200mini-i 785887-01 USRP B200MINI-I (1X1, 70 MHZ - 6 GHZ...
上海爱泽工业设备有限公司所提供的ETTUS RESEARCH放大器USRP B200-MINI-I质量可靠、规格齐全,上海爱泽工业设备有限公司不仅具有专业的技术水平,更有良好的售后服务和优质的解决方案,欢迎您来电咨询此产品具体参数及价格等详细信息!
ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B200mini-i (Board only) ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B210 (Board Only) ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B200 (Board Only) ETTUS RESEARCH Air Amplifier NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY 爱泽工业成立于2010年,放大器于向制造工业提供制造技术和设备。代理经营电气自动化、机械与传动、流体控制、仪器仪表、...
ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B200mini-i (Board only) ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B210 (Board Only) ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B200 (Board Only) ETTUS RESEARCH Air Amplifier NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY 爱泽工业成立于2010年,放大器于向制造工业提供制造技术和设备。代理经营电气自动化、机械与传动、流体控制、仪器仪表、...
ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B200mini-i (Board only) ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B210 (Board Only) ETTUS RESEARCH USRP B200 (Board Only) ETTUS RESEARCH Air Amplifier NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY 爱泽工业成立于2010年,放大器于向制造工业提供高端制造技术和设备。代理经营世界优质的电气自动化、机械与传动、流体控...
Aluminum Enclosure Accessory for USRP B205mini-i (I-Grade) This enclosure kit allows users to assemble a aluminum case to protect the board-only, industrial-grade USRP B205mini-i device, and increases the operating temperature range from 0 – 45 °C to -40 – 75 °C....