有人虚拟串口软件:自动生成虚拟串口,与网络双向透明传输。更新日志:1. 集成两代VCOM的优势,优化界面布局,易用性更强;2. 新增添加设备/透传策略,可以不用登录平台直接添加设备/透传策略;3. 优化软件性能,软件稳定性大幅度提升;4. 更多功能详见 VCOM软件说明书 ...
现在电脑或者笔记本都没有232串口了,工程上有仿真需求的,可以用这个虚拟端口软件模拟串口,非常方便,分享给大家。虽然232通讯越来越少了。。。 部分文件列表 文件名大小 USR-VCOM_V3.7.1.520_Setup.exe 立即下载 【关注视频号领20积分】【关注公众号立即送20积分】 相关...
Through USR-VCOM software users can set up connections between USR modules and virtual serial port to solve the problem that traditional equipment PC software used in serial port communication way. Users can download virtual com port software from here. Download...
User can download VCOM software from http://www.usriot.com/usr-vcom-virtual-serial-software/. After downloading the USR-VCOM software and installing successfully, user can configure USR-VCOM to create TCP Client port as follow steps: 1.Run the USR-VCOM.exe. Figure 1 USR-VCOM 2.Click '...
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