USR3453C COURIER EXTERNAL 56K V.92 GLOBAL DIAL-UP BUSINESS MODEM The USR® Courier 56K Business Modem with V.Everything and V.Everywhere technology offers the perfect solution for both Out of Band Management of networks or Point of Sale applications. Many modems claim reliability, but few ma...
USR® 56K dial-up modems include the features and reliable connections needed for highly secure business transactions and critical secondary connections. USR offers all types of modems from controller-based to Winmodems as well as all form factors from PCIe to USB to serial. ...
>驱动下载 >USRobotics USR336 Modem 发布厂商:美国机器人(USRobotics(USR)) 发布日期:1900-01-01 文件容量:18.9KB 提交时间:1999-03-16 下载次数:192 驱动种类: 操作系统: 适应硬件:USRobotics USR336 Modem 驱动说明 USR336Modem最新驱动纠错 驱动下载...
56K internal & external modems Reliability for highly secure business transactions and critical connections Explore USR's products and services Products Connectivity products for your small or large business We've built our reputation for excellence by developing fast, dependable, easy-to-use analog mod...
56K internal & external modems Reliability for highly secure business transactions and critical connections Explore USR's products and services Products Connectivity products for your small or large business We've built our reputation for excellence by developing fast, dependable, easy-to-use analog mod...
美国机器人(USRobotics)USR336 Modem调制解调器驱动是由美国机器人官方开发并提供的驱动程序安装包,这是一种可以使您的美国机器人(USRobotics)USR336 Modem调制解调器和计算机进行数据通信的特殊软件,可以理解为调制解调器和计算机沟通的桥梁,电脑系统只有通过这个程序,才能够控制美国机器人(USRobotics)USR336 Modem调制解...
CatM Modem USR-MB706 LTE Cat.M Modem $49.00 GSM/GPRS Modems USR-GPRS232-730 RS232/485 $26.00 ● LoRa Network LoRaWAN/LoRa USR-LG206-H-P Transmission Distance: 3500 Meters $26.00 USR-LG280 LoRaWAN Gateway $665.00 USR-DR206/DR216 ...
USR-GPRS232-734是一种新的GPRS RS485 GSM调制解调器USR物联网2016年开发的物联网网络服务器。成熟的软件功能,主要涵盖常规应用场景。用户可以通过简单的配置实现串行到网络的双向透明数据传输。支持自定义注册包,心跳包。支持2个套接字连接,USR云加入。 GSM Modem RS485采用直流电源和终端电源,支持5.0V ~ 36.0v...
4G LTE Modem Cat1 Modem CatM Modem USR-GPRS232-730GSM Modem RS232/485 | Serial GSM Modems $26..00 LoRa/Swarm Device More LoRaWAN/LoRa Swarm AD Hoc Network ST508ETiny-Size 5.8Ghz wireless bridge $46..00 ST515NOutdoor Wireless Bridge ...