USPTO 发出审查意见通知书(Office action) 接着USPTO 会将你提交的申请分配给一名商标审查律师(Examining attorney)进行全面的法律审查(包括审查书面申请、USPTO 的注册和待审商标数据库、图样和任何样本等),以确保你的商标申请符合所有适用的美国联邦法律要求,并且你的商标是可注册的。 USPTO 审查意见通知书(Office act...
开始在商业中使用该商标,然后提交“使用声明”(Statement of Use);或者 如果你需要更多时间开始在商业中使用该商标,则需提交一份为期 6 个月的 "使用声明延期申请"(Request for an Extension of Time to File a Statement of Use)。延期申请以 6 个月为一个周期,申请人必须继续每 6 个月提交一次延期申请。...
拟增加费用的商标服务项目 1. Filing a second or subsequent request for an extension of time to file an appeal brief(提交第二次或随后的延期请求,以提出上诉摘要) 2. Oral hearing(口审) 3. Letter of Protest(抗议信) 4. Request for reconsideration more than 3 months after an office action(审查...
拿到商标受理号后的流程 1. uspto出受理号后3个月左右,uspto律师会核实你的申请,如果发现任何问题,比如你的商标和已有商标高度近似等等,律师会写邮件(Office action)告诉你问题所在,如果你收到Office action,你必须要在6个月内回复,如果超过时间不回复,商标申请失败,注意失败是不能退款的。 2.如果没有问题(商标没...
1. Filing a second or subsequent request for an extension of time to file an appeal brief 2. Oral hearing 3. Letter of Protest 4. Request for reconsideration more than 3 months after an office action 5. Deleting goods, services, and/or classes after filing an affidavit under section 8 or...
Deadline docketing procedures will need to be adjusted to account for the new timing for Office Action responses. In the event that it is not possible to file a response within the new three-month term, an additional three month extension can be requested; however, all extensions will incur ...
The above rule is just one of many steps the Patent Office has taken towards digitizing their processes. For example, the Patent Office also finalized another rule (88 Fed. Reg. 13028) the same week as the above which establishes that effective May 1, 2023 all “patent term extension (PTE...
Step 3: Trademark Office Action If any informality and/or substantive ground of objection is found during the examination, an Office Action notice will be issued. You have 6 months time period to file a reply to the Office Action and remove the respective informality and/or respond to why th...
response periods. The other alternative under consideration is to set the initial period for responding to an Office action at two months but to allow applicants to file a response in the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth month after issuance of the Office action by submitting an extension request...
Response to an office action, including a notice of appeal from a final refusal. Statement of use or request for extension of time to file a statement of use. Notice of opposition or request for extension of time to file a notice of opposition. ...