Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website. Services Resources Support Schedule Call As seen on Recommended learning resources World's #1 website to register your trademark and protect your brand, name, logo or slogan ...
Trademarkia provides a free, fast, user friendly search of USPTO registered trademarks. Also, with trademark registration you can protect your brand in 180+ countries. Fast and easy. Starts at $99.
trademark attorney will manage your trademark filing. Trademarkia is the registered trade name of the law firm Trademarkia Venture Partners, and is the largest trademark filing law firm in the United States. For a relatively low cost, you can elect to have an attorney at Trademarkia represent ...
A trademark specimen is a real-life sample of how […] USPTO Trademark Renewal and Filing Fees are Reduced by USPTO The cost to register and renew a trademark is going down. As of January 17, 2015, the USPTO is changing the filing fees for trademark applications by lowering (yes, ...
When you choose Trademarkia, a licensed U.S. trademark attorney will manage your trademark filing. Trademarkia is the registered trade name of the law firm Trademarkia Venture Partners, and is the largest trademark filing law firm in the United States. For a relatively low cost, you can elect...
BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N.Y.,April 23, 2015/PRNewswire/ --Solar-Tectic LLC("ST") announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued a major patent (over 50 claims) for a wide range of technologies including th...
Monitoring sheds light on the future plans of your competitors. Directions For Research & Development Set the right priorities early on and avoid wasting resources. Patent Strategy Stay updated on recent developments of your industry, and know where innovation or cost reduction arise. PatentsWatch for...
benchmarking and the sharing of best practice around key topic areas and challenges facing trademark and brand leaders. The theme for the event is ‘exchanging cost-effective and resource-efficient best practices’ and each day will start with a keynote ad...