USPTO Launches New After Final Consideration Pilot Program to Reduce Requests for Continued Examination (RCEs)Courtenay C. Brinckerhoff
USPTO 已於2013年5月17日公告推出終局核駁(final rejection)寄發後適用的試辦計畫After Final Consideration Pilot 2.0,簡稱AFCP 2.0(註1)。依其設計,即使申請案已作成終局核駁結束實審,審查委員仍可利用有限的額外時數,考慮申請人所提回覆並作必要檢索。若申請人於終局核駁後依37 CFR 1.116提出回覆,且預期官方...
USPTO Terminating After Final Consideration Pilot (AFCP) Program 2.0 The USPTO will publish a notice in the Federal Register on October 1, 2024, stating that it will no longer accept AFCP 2.0 requests after December 14, 2024. The current AFCP program (AFCP 2.0) was adopted in May of 2013...
美國專利申請施行多年的「最終審查意見後考量試行計畫2.0」(After Final Consideration Pilot 2.0,以下簡稱AFCP 2.0)將於2024年12月15日畫下句點,12月14日為最後收件日。 Continue reading 10/04/2024國際脈動 Worldwide Updates/專利 Patent 美國專利商標局調查冒名代理電子簽署申請 ─ 終止3100件專利申請案 ...
為平息外界疑慮,USPTO近期公告After Final Consideration Pilot (AFCP)(註3)、Quick Path Information Disclosure Statement (QPIDS)(註4)兩項試辦計畫,希望能減少不必要的RCE申請。 RCE積案問題 2012年5月16日USPTO局長David Kappos應邀到美國眾議院司法委員會作證,表示該局未尚開始實審的發明專利申請案件數,已由去年...
wherein the instructions to cause the device to generate layout of graphical representations of the second subset of data objects comprises instructions to cause the device to: identify at least one data object of the plurality of data objects positioned after the first or second anchor within the...
Adams, Lisa