于是USPSA为了提供更公平的竞技平台,便有了Major 和Minor 之分,Major 的口径因为相对吃亏,所以在指定区域上会比Minor拥有相对更高的得分。而区分Major和Minor的关键就在于Power Factor,我们简称为PF。它是一个人为生成的数字,它是通过子弹的初速乘以弹头的重量来计算的。因为数值太大,不方便记录和管理,于是USPSA将结...
Q: I’m concerned about things I’ve heard regarding major banks and credit card companies tracking purchases made with firearms and ammunition comp... Read more Boogaloo’ Believers Think a Civil War Is Coming. These Gun Firms Are Openly Marketing to Them. ...
Q: I’m concerned about things I’ve heard regarding major banks and credit card companies tracking purchases made with firearms and ammunition comp... Read more Boogaloo’ Believers Think a Civil War Is Coming. These Gun Firms Are Openly Marketing to Them. ...
• Hit Factor: Instantly calculate your score for each stage, in compliance with USPSA and IPSC rules. Determine your Hit Factor for both major and minor power factors, and easily compare your performance across different divisions. Save your results, calculate averages by selecting multiple stage...
hit factor allows you to easily calculate your score after each stage for both USPSA and IPSC. Hit Factor will show you your HF in both Major and Minor power factors so you can easily see how you would have done in other divisions. you can save the results and then taking the average ...
于是USPSA为了提供更公平的竞技平台,便有了Major 和Minor 之分,Major 的口径因为相对吃亏,所以在指定区域上会比Minor拥有相对更高的得分。而区分Major和Minor的关键就在于Power Factor,我们简称为PF。它是一个人为生成的数字,它是通过子弹的初速乘以弹头的重量来计算的。因为数值太大,不方便记录和管理,于是USPSA将...
• Hit Factor: Instantly calculate your score for each stage, in compliance with USPSA and IPSC rules. Determine your Hit Factor for both major and minor power factors, and easily compare your performance across different divisions. Save your results, calculate averages by selecting multiple stage...
hit factor allows you to easily calculate your score after each stage for both USPSA and IPSC. Hit Factor will show you your HF in both Major and Minor power factors so you can easily see how you would have done in other divisions. you can save the results and then taking the average ...
于是USPSA为了提供更公平的竞技平台,便有了Major 和Minor 之分,Major 的口径因为相对吃亏,所以在指定区域上会比Minor拥有相对更高的得分。而区分Major和Minor的关键就在于Power Factor,我们简称为PF。它是一个人为生成的数字,它是通过子弹的初速乘以弹头的重量来计算的。因为数值太大,不方便记录和管理,于是USPSA将...