USPS Delivery Confirmation. offers free package delivery confirmation. US Postal Service delivery confirmation.
Find out information about the date and time an item was delivered or when a delivery attempt was made. Add security by requiring a signature. USPS keeps a delivery record, which you may request via email.Show MoreSignature Confirmation™ ...
Learn More Track What does my tracking number look like? Where do I find my tracking number? How can I leave delivery instructions? Can’t find what you’re looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. ...
If you get a text or email claiming to be from USPS about a package awaiting action or a delivery failure, don't click it: Delete it immediately. This is an attempt to steal your personal information. Find out how to protect yourself. ...
Informed Delivery is a free service from USPS that shows you preview images of incoming mail, plus status updates about your incoming and outbound packages. Get notifications in a morning Daily Digest email, or at any time from the dashboard using your s
Informed Delivery is a free service from USPS that shows you preview images of incoming mail, plus status updates about your incoming and outbound packages. Get notifications in a morning Daily Digest email, or at any time from the dashboard using your s
“Notice left” is USPS's way of telling you they have left a notice at your address after attempting delivery. It typically happens when your item requires a signature, like with Signature Confirmation or Certified Mail. “No access” indicates that USPS tried to deliver your item but couldn...
Informed Delivery is a free service from USPS that shows you preview images of incoming mail, plus status updates about your incoming and outbound packages. Get notifications in a morning Daily Digest email, or at any time from the dashboard using your s
signed for the delivery at the delivery address. Customers can receive both Electronic Delivery Confirmation and the Return Receipt Signature by email. A receipt of the transaction including USPS postage purchase, Special Service, mail piece acceptance, tracking, and the delivery or the delivery ...
Simplify and speed up the process of sending Certified Mail. Track it online. Receive signed delivery confirmation within 24 hours. All records online for 10 years.