从2020年3月6日起,USPS不再接受手写的报关单,跨境卖家必须使用PS Form 2976-R,USPS报关单和发货单。这意味着USPS不再接受预先打印的PS Forms 2976、PS Form 2976-A、PS Form 2976-B和其他纸质报关单。所有在邮件流中发现的带有手写海关申报表的包裹将退还给发件人。带有手写海关表格的包裹不得送...
打印标签和海关表格 如果您在邮局支付邮资,可以节省时间:打印您自己的海关表格,并将其与您的包裹一起带到邮局。 在线创建网上海关表格 否则,您可以将包裹带到邮局,填写 PS 2976-R 表格,然后交给 USPS®零售人员,以便他们可以创建和打印您的海关表格。 查找邮局...
Otherwise, you can bring your package to the Post Office, fill out Form PS 2976-R, and give it to the USPS®retail associate so they can create and print your customs form. Find a Post Office Additional Information Expand All Mailing Restrictions & Prohibitions ...
Otherwise, you can bring your package to the Post Office, fill out Form PS 2976-R, and give it to the USPS retail associate so they can create and print your customs form. 显示更多内容about 第 6 步:Create Your Customs Forms & Labels ...
Otherwise, you can bring your package to the Post Office, fill out Form PS 2976-R, and give it to the USPS retail associate so they can create and print your customs form. Show Moreabout Step 6: Create Your Customs Forms & Labels ...
(12-9-04) RESTRICTIONS 43 LEGEND PS Form 2976, Customs - CN 22 (Old C 1) and Sender's Declaration (green label) PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note AAFES = Army and Air Force Exchange Service APO = Army/Air Force Post Office Box R = Retired military personnel FPO...
containinggoods (non-documents)destinedtoIranorSyria;or4)containinggoodsdestinedtoCuba,NorthKorea,orSudan,otherthangiftparcels orhumanitariandonationsasdefinedby15CFR§740.12. ForAPO,FPOandDPOdestinations,PSForm2976maybeusedwhensendingcertainitems(alldomesticmailclasses).Refer tothecurrent“OverseasMilitary/...
As a note, be aware that handwritten declarations are no longer acceptable and will be returned to the sender. Rather, customers should review the guidance provided byPS Form 2976-R, USPS Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note. USPS Shipping Software ...
Customs forms at the post office: You can visit your local Post Office, fill out PS Form 2976-R, present it to the clerk at the counter, and have your label created. Remember that you don't need written documentation if you are sending a package that weighs under 16 ounces through Firs...
Otherwise, you can bring your package to the Post Office, fill out Form PS 2976-R, and give it to the USPS® retail associate so they can create and print your customs form.Find a Post OfficeAdditional Information Expand All Mailing Restrictions & Prohibitions There are specific regulatio...