locations or online from your home or business. Prices start at $31.40 at a Post Office. (Ship online with Click-N-Ship® and get lower Commercial Rates.) Ship Now with Priority Mail Express Priority Mail Express Prices Features & Pricing Fastest delivery times: next day to 2 days with ...
Prepaid Forever Priority Mail Flat Rate.Except for Priority Mail Flat Rate packaging, Priority Mail prices are based on weight and zone. With Prepaid Forever Priority Mail Flat Rate, you get the same Flat Rate pricing with the added convenience of Forever®postage. ...
Priority Mail 统一邮资小型包装盒 Priority Mail Flat Rate® Small Box 单个,一包 10 个或 25 个 库存 Size: 8-11/16"(L) x 5-7/16"(W) x 1-3/4"(H) SKU:OSMALLFRBI 发行日期:7/10/2022 Priority Mail 小号统一邮资包装盒的大小和形状相当于三个叠放的 DVD 盒。 1. 选择版式 ...
保存Priority Mail 统一邮资中型包装盒(侧面装货)稍后 添加到购物车Priority Mail Flat Rate® Side-Loading Medium Box 更多信息 展开全部 描述 产品规格 寄件信息 Priority Mail 统一邮资® 侧面装货中号包装盒是您邮寄 Priority Mail 包裹的快速、简单、便捷方式。其邮资为预先支付,不限重量(国内)或目的地...
Product Model:Medium Box - 1 Size:11-1/4"(L) x 8-3/4"(W) x 6"(H) SKU:OFRB1I Issue Date:7/10/2022 ThePriority Mail Flat Rate® Top-Loading Medium Boxis an easy way to ship featuring predetermined rates regardless of weight (domestically) or destination. ...
ThePriority Mail Flat Rate® Large Box - LARGEFRBfeatures predetermined rates regardless of weight (domestically) or destination, similar to other Flat Rate products. This item ships in single, or a pack of 10 or 25 boxes. For more information, please visit theShipping Page. ...
Prices based on weight and destination. 价格由重量和邮寄目的地决定。 Priority Mail International Flat Rate Options 国际优先邮件固定费用选项 The weight limit for the flat-rate envelope is 4 pounds. 固定费用信封重量不得超过4磅 The weight limit for the xxxall flat-rate box is 4 pounds. 固定费用...
If more than 13 ounces, see Priority Mail (footnote #4) on page 3. 4. For weights over 3.5 ounces, see Large Envelopes (Flats) prices. 5. The card price applies to each single or double postcardsized mailpiece when originally mailed; reply half of double postcard must be designed for...
The idea behind Priority Mail Flat Rate is that if you can fit something into a Flat Rate-branded box, there’s just one price to pay, no matter how much it weighs or where it’s going. This simplifies shipping a lot, but that simplicity comes with downsides: ...
If lowering shipping costs is a priority for your e-commerce business, Shippo can help you find the absolute lowest prices on USPS Priority Mail International shipments. Because we partner with 85+ global carriers, we’re able to offer our customers discounts as high as 90% off standard retail...