" because the enforcement of 18 U.S.C. § 1725 leaves customers with ample alternative means of delivering their messages. Customers can deliver their messages either by paying postage, by placing messages on or under a door or a doormat, by using newspaper or non-postal boxes, by telephonin...
Since the packages have certain size restrictions, you’re only allowed to send non-prohibited mailable correspondence or non-dutiable items that weigh up to 4 lbs. Moreover, the value of the packages shall not cross beyond the defined value of $400. Another restriction allocated to this serv...
The Postal Service does not receive any tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, services, and products to bankroll their operations. With 34,000 retail locations and one of the most popular websites in the federal government, usps.com, the Postal Service has an...
NCOA is great for the USPS, but not always so great for consumers. When bulk mailing customers use NCOA, it helps the USPS reduce non-deliverable mail and prevent re-mailings because theaddress correctionis applied prior to the mailing. Cutting down on undeliverable mail and re-deliveries al...