这是USPS提供的最快速、最可靠的国际邮递服务,通常在1到3个工作日内送达,适合极其紧急的包裹。 USPS到中国的时效 (DeliveryTimefrom USPS to China) USPS到中国的邮递时效因所选择的邮递选项而异。以下是不同邮递选项的预计送达时间: First-Class Package International Service 由于这是最经济的选项,送达时间通常在2...
Can I Get a Delivery Time Estimate for My USPS Packages? As mentioned, USPS shipping time varies depending on various factors. You can get an accurate estimate by understanding the distance between the two locations, the type of mail class chosen, the presence of recognized USPS holidays, and...
1. Priority Mail:With a shipping time of 1-3 days, Priority Mail is ideal for fast and reasonably priced delivery of packages. Take advantage of Priority Mail Flat Rate for packages up to 70 lbs, starting at $7.35. Enjoy features such as free package pickup, USPS Tracking, and Saturday ...
When you’re shipping via USPS and need a package postmarked today, end of day is, literally, midnight. Your local post office closes much earlier than that. However, if you are close to a USPS distribution center, you may be able to drop off a package and get it postmarked as late ...
First-Class Package International Service价格便宜,时间久,预计15-30天到中国海关。只有有限跟踪服务。First Class名字比较fancy,但其实是最便宜也最不稳妥的,一般寄送信件或者很轻的包裹,这种类型包裹简单说就是普通平邮或平信,First-Class国际包裹到中国的时间通常在1月左右。常见跟踪单号以L或者UH,UA开头,比如:UA...
Affordable Lightweight Shipping First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS) is an economical way to send lightweight packages to about180 countries. Packages can weigh up to 4 lbs (64 oz) and contain goods up to $400 in value. Other restrictions may apply based on the destination country...
The cost of shipping with Priority Mail Express International will vary depending on the country you’re shipping to, the size of the package, and the overall weight of the parcel. For example, let’s say you’re shipping a 5 lb package, measuring 8x8x8 inches, from New York City to ...
Service Name Type of ServiceShipping TimeUSPS Tracking Priority Mail Express Domestic Overnight Included Priority Mail Domestic 1-3 Days Included First-Class Mail Domestic 2-3 Days Included (Packages Only) USPS Retail Ground Domestic 2-8 Days Included Media Mail Domestic 2-8 Days Included Priority...
If you’re paying for your postage at the Post Office, save time: Print your own customs form and bring it with your package to the Post Office. Create a Customs Form Online Otherwise, you can bring your package to the Post Office, fill out Form PS 2976-R, and give it to the USPS...
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item The package has left the courier and is on its way to USPS. Out for Delivery The package is being delivered. Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by The package is being delivered and will be delivered at the given time. Delivered, In/At...