through 2016 there will be a slight shift in employees' share of contributions toward healthcare coverage. This will amount to an increase of several dollars per pay period each year. (Similar changes were made in the last contract.)CLIFF GUFFEYPresident MYKE REIDEditor...
In addition toPostal Bulletinupdates, NCMEC distributes information via broadcast fax. Notification of newly reported missing children is sent to designated district "Missing Children" coordinators at fax numbers provided by district managers. Within 24 hours of receipt of a facsimile Missing Children po...
The 1992 arbitration award outlined in the USPS-NALC Joint Training Guide, "Building Our Future by Working Together," based on the September 1992 Memorandums of Understanding (MOU), contains guidelines and parameters for working with the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and the carrie...
Please participate in the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program. Tear out this page and carry it with you. If you have information on any of these missing persons, tell your Postal Service supervisor. Christopher Bell Born: 1-5-87 Date Missing: 10-14-04 Missing From: Peoria, IL Garrett Bardsley...