Generally, FedEx Ground services deliver on most US holidays with their regular schedule. The two exceptions are Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. All but critical carrier services are closed on those days. Freight, overnight, and SmartPost services generally have modified sch...
49,000 Electronic Locks to Replace Antiquated Arrow Locks.There has been an increase in letter carrier robberies nationwide where criminals are targeting letter carriers for their Arrow and Modified Arrow Lock (MAL) Keys. Criminals use Arrow and MAL keys to steal mail from secure mail rece...
This member is provided as an example and can be modified as required. Performance Database Exception data can be loaded into OMEGAMON for Db2 PE's Performance Database. You can find CREATE TABLE DDL, LOAD, CREATE VIEW statements, and sample SQL queries in the RKO2SAMP library, in the ...
The sample JCL might need to be modified. Exception processing Exception processing is the most effective way of identifying performance problems. The first step in monitoring your Db2 system should always be to start thread and statistics exception processing. Use Online Monitor exception processing ...
The modified OMEGAMON for Db2 PE settings stored in DPMPARMS are: 18 Report Command Reference • Time zone processing • Exception messages • MAINPACK definition • Correlation translation • UTR layouts Usage notes Do not specify DUMMY for this data set. Values DPMPARMS must be ...