To protect yourself from these scams, never give personal information to unvetted agencies or over the phone, e-mail, or text. Additionally, never use P2P payment options when buying from an unknown vendor, stick to vetted checkout processes instead. #24. Health care (including Medicaid and Me...
The USPS does not text about deliveries, especially not with links. They're more likely to leave a note in your mailbox or on your front door if something's funky about the delivery. Remember, Illinois, if a text about a package seems fishy, it probably is. Stay vigilant and keep your...
(well, not literally, but you’d need a dolly to truck it up to my front door up my steep driveway) As it turned out (and this was a few years ago) it was delivered for around $60 to my front door by FedEx, by a van not a huge truck, late in day. Now these same South ...
there is no reason USPS can give me that would explain this other than it fell under a shelf or someone threw it off the usps truck. Like 2011-01-22 at 05:08 andrea says: 10 days and counting…I had three checks to mail to my bank and my dad offered to do it for me. (He ...
After accepting a package, the mail carrier places it on a truck for transport to a distribution center.Distribution centers are highly mechanized processing plants in which machines arrange packages in the same orientation, read addresses and sort according to destination. Domestic packages are then ...
After accepting a package, the mail carrier places it on a truck for transport to a distribution center.Distribution centers are highly mechanized processing plants in which machines arrange packages in the same orientation, read addresses and sort according to destination. Domestic packages are then ...