自2025 年 01 月 01 日起,Priority Mail International 邮件和已注册的 First-Class Package International 服务邮件不再提供退回收据服务。 电子USPS Delivery Confirmation International 获得轻质包裹的国际投递确认。使用电子 USPS Delivery Confirmation™ 国际服务,接收包裹投递或尝试递送的日期和时间的通知。可用性因...
包裹的重量可达 4 磅 (64 盎司) 并包含高达 400 美元价值的商品。其他限制可能会根据目的地国家/地区而定。当您在线运送至选择的国家/地区时,尽管可能存在某些限制, First-Class Package International 服务包括电子 USPS DELIVERY CONFIRMATION®International(E-USPS DELCON INTL®)。价格从 $17.85 开始。
USPS Delivery Confirmation. Stamps.com offers free package delivery confirmation. US Postal Service delivery confirmation.
4. 快递邮件(Express Mail) - 最快的邮寄方式,通常隔夜送达,但费用较高。 5. 邮件送达证明(Delivery Confirmation) - 通过USPS网站查询邮件是否已经送达。 6. 保密邮件(Certified Mail) - 需要签收确认的邮件。 7. 回执单(Return Receipt) - 收件人签收确认后,USPS会将回执单寄回寄件人地址,表示邮件已经送达。
输入正确的单号即可查询出您物品的详细跟踪状态,如果您是通过Express Mail邮寄,则您将获得逐点详述的追踪详情,如果您是使用另一服务,例如 Delivery Confirmation、Certified Mail或 Registered Mail则将看到其何时寄出等更加详细的信息; 如果您是从美国寄往中国的快递包裹,单号通常为13位,常见的以US结尾,可以通过这里查...
Delivery confirmation for APO and FPO packages only confirm that the military has received the package. There is no confirmation that the intended recipient has received the package. International Refer to the following pages on the USPS website for information about the applicable shipping service: ...
First-Class Package International Service includes Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation® International (E-USPS DELCON INTL®) when you ship online to select countries, although certain limitations may apply. Prices start at $17.85. Ship Now Learn More ...
Signature Confirmation™(签收确认) 要求收件人签收,寄件人可以通过记录查找包裹何时寄到(或尝试寄到)。 Restricted Delivery(指定收件人) 指定一个可以签名并接收物品的人,只有这个人才能。必须结合以下其他额外服务一起购买:Certified Mail、Collecton Delivery (COD)、Insured Mail (over $500)、Registered Mail、或Si...
Insurance & Extra Services: provides additional services that customers can purchase for added security and protection when sending items through the mail. These services include Certified Mail, Collect on Delivery (COD), Insured Mail, Registered Mail, Signature Confirmation, Adult Signature Required, Re...