it costs an additional $4.10 for a mailed receipt or $2.62 for an electronic receipt. The total cost of sending a Certified Letter will include the price of the postage (typically a First-Class Mail stamp, currently $0.69 for a standard 1 oz. letter...
You must pay postage and mail your letter or package at a Post Office™ location. Browse Individual Country List. Back ^ to legal disclaimer 1 2. For many major markets. Actual number of days may vary based on origin, destination, and customs delays. Back ^ to legal disclaimer 2 3. ...
WASHINGTON, DC — Today [April 9, 2024], the U. S. Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission of mailing services price changes to take effect July 14, 2024. The new rates include a 5-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 68 cents ...
International Letter (1 oz.) $1.55 $1.65 The additional-ounce price for single-piece letters increases from 24 cents to 28 cents. The Postal Service is also seeking price adjustments for Special Services products, including Certified Mail and money order fees. Notably, there will be no p...
Letter size requirements for $0.46 postage rate:* *6.5″ x 8.75″ and square letters require a postage rate of $0.66 due to their odd sizes Post card size requirements for $0.33 postage rate: Large envelope size requirements for $0.92 postage rate: ...
All postcards, letters, and large envelopes (or flats) must be rectangular, otherwise an additional charge may apply. Additional size restrictions apply depending on the type of mailpiece you're sending. How to Send a Letter or Postcard: International: Get step-by-step instructions on mailing ...
USPS is increasing their shipping rates in July 2023. Learn how that will impact shipping by weight and postage rates here.
How large can an envelope be and still be eligible for First-Class Mail letter rates? USPS First Class Large Envelopes and Flats can have a height ranging from 6 ⅛” and 12”, a length between 11 ½” and 15”, and a thickness of ¼” and ¾”. The maximum weight for a Fi...
Pitney Bowes integrates with your USPS account to compare rates, print labels and streamline your shipping process. Get discounted rates with PB.
ChangeFlat-sizeMailpiecestoMeetLetter-sizeDimensionalRequirements Seehowsize&weightaffectcost,below: Numberof Pages* Weight Recommended EnvelopeSize LetterRate (6"X9") FlatRate (9"X12") Savings 1to51ounce#10($0.41)$0.80$0.39 6to112ounces#10or6"X9"($0.58)$0.97$0.39 ...