Rate Category7-14-24 1-19-25 Letter 3.5 oz. or less – AADC (machinable) $0.38 $0.38 Flat 4 oz. or less – ADC (non-automation) $0.981 $0.981 Automation letters: 5-digit $0.345 $0.345 Automation flat: 5-digit ‒ 4 oz. or less $0.687 $0.687 ECR flat ‒ 4 oz. or less: ...
USPS postage rates offer low-cost mailing and shipping prices for domestic & international customers. See Forever postage stamp prices and other postage rates.
The postage meter rate to send a 1-ounce USPS Certified Mail® letter with a Return Receipt (old-fashioned Green Card) will cost $9.64 at the Post Office. If you use online services from Certified Mail Labels with Electronic Delivery Confirmation, the cost can be reduced to $6.49. Addi...
See the USPS® postage rate changes and learn how you can save money with discounts on First-Class Mail® and access to Commercial Base prices for Priority Mail®.
Address Cleansing For Stamps.com customers, addresses are automatically cleansed to match USPS specifications. This can prevent returned mail and improve deliverability. Address Cleansing Basics USPS Postage Rates For Stamps.com customers, postage rates are automatically calculated using current rates. ...
Letter size requirements for $0.46 postage rate:* *6.5″ x 8.75″ and square letters require a postage rate of $0.66 due to their odd sizes Post card size requirements for $0.33 postage rate: Large envelope size requirements for $0.92 postage rate: ...
You must pay postage and mail your letter or package at a Post Office™ location. Browse Individual Country List. Back ^ to legal disclaimer 1 2. For many major markets. Actual number of days may vary based on origin, destination, and customs delays. Back ^ to legal disclaimer 2 3. ...
First-Class Mail letter (each additional ounce) $0.28 $0.28 First-Class Mail Flat/Large Envelope (1 oz.) From $0.874 $1.50 First-Class Mail Flat/Large Envelope (each additional ounce) $0.28 from $0.27 Postcard $0.56 $0.56 Flat Rate Envelopes Flat Rate Envelopes Commercial Retail...
International Letter (1 oz.) $1.55 $1.65 The additional-ounce price for single-piece letters increases from 24 cents to 28 cents. The Postal Service is also seeking price adjustments for Special Services products, including Certified Mail and money order fees. Notably, there will be no price ...
International Letter (1 oz.)Current Prices 68¢ 64¢ 24¢ 53¢ $1.55 $1.55Proposed Prices 73¢ 69¢ 28¢ 56¢ $1.65 $1.65 The additional-ounce price for single-piece letters increases from 24 cents to 28 cents. The Postal Service is also seeking price adjustments for Special...