USPS hires a diverse workforce who is interested in serving the public. Explore the many open full-time, part time and seasonal jobs that offer a range of benefits and opportunities.
USPS hires a diverse workforce who is interested in serving the public. Explore the many open full-time, part time and seasonal jobs that offer a range of benefits and opportunities.
USPS hires a diverse workforce who is interested in serving the public. Explore the many open full-time, part time and seasonal jobs that offer a range of benefits and opportunities.
Searching for USPS jobsThere are many ways to search within the eCareers system (our application system). Please read below to learn the best way to find the job you are looking for.For the best experience, use a desktop or laptop computer rather than a mobile device. Use a supported ...
USPS is hiring full-time, part time and seasonal positions. View our open jobs including drivers, sales and services, delivery and sorting and handling positions. Find your new job at USPS.
USPS careers & employment info. Fill out an online application for USPS jobs. Learn about the U.S. Postal Service & apply to work at your local post office.
The world of postal service exams and jobs has been completely overhauled. has everything you need to apply, pass the exam, and get the job.
USPS Careers There are numerous career opportunities within the company, from positions in delivery and operations to corporate jobs. Students and graduates can also join recruitment and internship programs that allow them to gain field experience before being hired for a professional position. ...
Welcome to Track packages, pay and print postage with Click-N-Ship, schedule free package pickups, look up ZIP Codes, calculate postage prices, and find everything you need for sending mail and shipping packages.
To create an account and profile login, you’ll have to go to theUSPS careers page, where you will be required to fill in your name, both first and last, as well as your username and password for the account. The password must be 15 characters long with at least one character in cap...