impacting various services and package categories. ShipStation remains committed to delivering top-notch service to its customers and is happy to announce that, through our partnership with USPS, customers can now enjoy enhanced discounts on Priority Mail® and Ground Advantage Rates™ compared to C...
September 2024 Rate Case Effective September 16th, USPS is making changes to shipping rates that will affect some of your Priority Mail® and Ground Advantage™ packages. Depending on where you’re shipping, you may notice slightly higher prices. The good news? Even with these changes, your...
商务Ground Advantage For businesses interested in getting negotiated pricing for USPS Ground Advantage, using USPS Ground Advantage Return to manage customer returns, or learning other ways USPS can power up your shipping and logistics,learn more about business options, or if you’re ready now, get...
根据美国邮政(USPS)公布的最新财务数据及业务表现,其Ground Advantage业务呈现出强劲的增长势头,而与此同时,集运服务需求却出现了明显下滑。这一趋势不仅反映了美国邮政在物流服务方面的转型,也揭示了当前物流市场的部分变化。 在最新公布的2024年第四季度数据中,USPS Ground Advantage业务收入达到约33.37亿美元,同比大幅...
UPS 燃油附加费查询网址:,圈住的就是UPS Ground最新的当周燃油附加费费率 FedEx 渠道燃油附加费查询网址: ...
如何计算美国末端快递..背景:美国末端快递USPS,UPS,Fedex的主力渠道USPS Ground Advantage,UPS Ground,FedEx Ground 渠道的运输时效都是2-5个工作日,可以完全满足各个平
该季度总营业收入为216亿美元,比去年同期增加1.15亿美元,即0.5%。与去年同期相比,整个运输和包裹类别的收入增加了2.4亿美元,即2.7%,销量增加了9800万件,即5.1%。USPS Ground Advantage是邮政服务的运输服务,提供简单、可靠且更实惠的包裹运输方式,已受到现有和新消费者及商业客户的广泛采用。与去年同期...
(First-Class Mail)和USPS Ground Advantage将继续在5天内送达,一等邮件仍将在1至5天内送达,邮件在长途运输的情况下可能会更慢,部分地区的投递时间标准也有所放宽,到2024年,USPS的目标是90%到93%的邮件按时送达,而到2025财年,这一标准可能进一步放宽至80%左右,这一变化引发了广泛关注,对于依赖邮政服务按时获取...
In July 2024, USPS implemented adjustments to shipping rates. Here’s a summary of the key changes that took effect: July 1st: Ground Advantage:Prices for packages under and over 1 pound increased, with some adjustments reaching up to $2.11. Cubic pricing for this service also saw an increas...
美国末端派送快递,主要有美国末端USPS快递(美国邮政),美国末端UPS快递(美国联合包裹),美国末端Fedex快递渠道(美国联邦)。其中主要以USPS Ground Advantage ,UPS Ground Fedex Ground为主要运输投递方式(标准物流时效是2-5个工作日),更慢的也有:USPS parcelslect,UPS Surepost,Fedex Smartpost等渠道(标准物流时效是7-9...