Need a U.S. Customs Form for an international delivery? Use Click-N-Ship or USPS customs forms tool guide to show you which customs forms you need for which country.
which is the customs Declaration and Dispatch note. You will need to write "Return of Canadian merchandise" in the detailed description field of contents box 1. You will also need to mark an "X" next to "Returned Goods" in bo 请要求USPS干事CP 72海关申报表 (也叫的PS形式2976-A),是海关...
Use the following information to order the revised PS Form 2013: PSIN: PS 2013 PSN: 7530-01-000-9515 Unit of Measure: EA Minimum Order Quantity: N/A Bulk Pack Quantity: N/A Quick Pick Number: N/A Price: $0.0159 Edition Date: 11/04 Submit this form with all clearance packages ...