Use USPS Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelopes and pay one price: Pay the same price for mailpieces weighing up to 70 lbs going anywhere in the U.S. When sealing aPriority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelope, the container flaps must be able to close within the normal folds. ...
Pay the same price for mailpieces weighing up to 70 lbs going anywhere in the U.S. Use ourPriority Mail Flat Rate Envelopes or Boxesthat come in standard sizes so you don't have to worry about measuring them. When sealing a Flat Rate Envelope or Box, the container flaps must be able...
添加到购物车Priority Mail Flat Rate® Envelope 更多信息 展开全部 描述 产品规格 寄件信息 这款Priority Mail 统一邮资信封 - EP14F是简化您的 Priority Mail® 文件邮寄流程的一种快捷、简单、便利的方式。与统一邮资包装盒类似,这种纸板信封使用预付统一邮资,不受包裹重量或目的地的限制。该信封是邮寄 8-...
ThePriority Mail Express Flat Rate® Envelopeguarantees next-day and second-day delivery or your money back. This item ships in single, or a pack of 10 envelopes. For more information, please visit theShipping Page. 1. Choose a Format ...
●中号和大号 Priority Mail International Flat Rate(统一邮资)包装盒的最大重量是 20 磅。(3)USPS PresortUSPS Presort是PostPony邮差小马联合UPS和USPS推出的,适合邮寄小包裹的专线,美国境内由UPS揽收,将包裹送至USPS Presort中转仓,进行分拣之后,由USPS承运至中国。自行投递需去UPS门店投递,或者去USPS Presort中转...
PRIORITY MAIL International® 服务以可靠且优惠的方式运送到超过 180 个国家/地区,包括加拿大、墨西哥和澳大利亚。 统一邮资选项:使用免费统一邮资包装盒和信封(信封和小包装盒不超过 4 磅,中号和大号包装盒不超过 20 磅),从 30.90 美元起价。 或按重量运送:对于不超过 70 磅的包裹,价格因目的地国家价格组而...
The listed price is per envelope and the minimum order is 10 envelopes.For more information, please visit the Shipping Page.1. Choose a format Single $10.10 2. Choose a Quantity Min: 10 | Max: 500 Total Pieces: Total Price: Save Priority Mail® Forever Prepaid Flat Rate Envelope ...
Current USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail envelope prices are: PackagingShipping PriceDimensionsIdeal for… Flat Rate Envelope$7.75 (commercial base)$8.95 (Post Office)12 1/2″ x 9 1/2″Letters Essays Manuscripts Window Flat Rate Envelope$7.75 ...
Priority Mail Flat Rate International Options (Retail Prices) 国际优先邮件固定费用选项(零售价) Canada / Mexico 加拿大/墨西哥 All other countries 其它国家 Size 尺寸 Priority Mail Flat-Rate Envelope (up to 4 pounds) 国际优先固定费率信封(最多4磅) $10.95 $12.95 12-1/2" × 9-1/2" 31.75厘米 ...
USPS Flat Rate是一类包装,可提供特定尺寸的盒子和信封,用于USPS Priority Mail服务。无论重量如何,只要包裹重量小于70磅,它们都可以在美国任何地方运送,只需支付一笔固定的运费。 USPS Flat Rate的优势? 以下是考虑使用USPS统一费率包装盒和信封的六个理由: ...